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Fooddadi Style: "Hamburger Steak?!?"

Apologies as it has been a while since my last post. Since it's that time of the month again, here is another Fooddadi style to help you stretch that budget.

My inspiration for this post is the good ol' Salisbury Steak. Most of the salisbury steaks that I see in the mall food court is a chunky patty smothered in gravy and topped of with a fried egg. For the more expensive food places, the price would increase as well as the number of patties; still smothered in gravy and sometimes no egg.

The Ingredients

For this one "hamburger steak", I bought a regular hamburger patty, a can of mushroom and a pack of gravy mix. I decided to choose this particular brand of burger patty just because I have not tried it yet.I was actually eyeing the "Highlands" brand but opted to take the King Sue brand instead (maybe next time).

The Cooking

This one is very simple and quick. We just fry the burger patty as usual and set aside. Next we slice the mushrooms into thin pieces (another usual way is to dice them). I tossed the mushrooms in a pan and season it a little with salt and pepper. I added some water and let it simmer for about five minutes. I added the gravy and stirred until I got the consistency that I need.

The Finished Product

With the components ready, plating is just as easy as you want it to be. Just lay the patties on a large plate or in a container and just smother it with gravy as much as you desire. You can top it with an egg and rice for a heavy breakfast meal or early lunch meal. What's good about this dish is that if you have not consumed all of the patties, you can just refrigerate and heat it later for a yummy meal.

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